Monday, February 22, 2016

All. The. Feelings; Farewell Cravings for Unavailability...

So, I went out to a poetry cafe Saturday evening with my cousin & one of my close friends from college. Poetry has always been a major key in my life. It's a form of release & I enjoy being invited into other people's minds as I hear their feelings. If you're in the LES neighborhood I highly recommend checking out the Nuyorican. It will give you a well needed break from the routine of your work week & I guarantee you'll leave feeling inspired. The daily events are listed on their website & the cover ranges from $10-13. Pick which event you like from the options, arrive early to grab a seat & there you have the recipe for a calm Saturday turn up!

True to form, during our conversation before & in between acts; my love life (or the lack thereof) took center stage. Before I go into detail, let me just say that I wear my emotions on my face. So if you're close enough to me or are actively paying attention ; you know just how to gage what thoughts are running through my mind by looking at my expression. With that being said, these two are the mirrors that I couldn't avoid (even if I wanted to). Their love for me literally cuts me wide open & it keeps me in check. If you're reading this (& you better be, thank you for your investments in my life). They saw that something was heavy on my mind & knew who the culprit was; myself.

I couldn't stop hearing their words ring through my ears. "You're a catch, you're not crazy, you're intelligent, and why do you choose to make limited decisions regarding your heart..." As it turns out, somewhere along the way to accomplishing my goals; I put my heart on the shelf. I deliberately "fell" into situationships that were dumb but that gave me a fixed outcome. I would be lying if I said I didn't know what I was doing. The truth is, I began to crave the unavailability. I'm not sure how but I have an ability to be talked to about any & everything. I have a very emphatic spirit so there are very few things that I can't understand. A lot of women in particular vent to me & a few of them have fallen in love with me.

I knew from our friendship prior to us becoming romantic or intimate that they were either emotionally unavailable or used my attention as a crutch. I filled a void for them & I allowed myself to get involved with them as their extreme levels of unavailability was convenient. In some cases, the situationship came with no strings & others had no expectations. The unavailability worked with my hectic unpredictable schedule & I was able to dictate the outcome of when it would be over.

Here's the monkey wrench; I want to get married & grow in love. This means I have to stop craving unavailability & begin to set a standard but also open myself up to the reality that unavailability doesn't produce longevity. In order for me to receive what I want & need I have to jump out of my comfort zone & welcome in a new light.

I woke up this morning, looked at myself in the bathroom mirror & I said to myself  "You know the problem, now let's figure out a solution. But first, are you scared, & if so of what?"

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Chasing Pavements.

You blink thirty three times a minute when you're stressed
Twenty three when you're concerned
And twice as many when you feel that you finally understand the lesson learned
In the morning, the sunlight hits your face at an angelic angle that reminds me that magic exists
Why can't I stop remembering all of this?
When you're nervous you bite down on your bottom lip
As you smile the corners of your cheek arch higher than your back when I'm earning that red lobster
Why can't I stop remembering all of this?
If only you can view yourself through my eyes
It would be a maroon tinted lens
Through it you'd see an enigma wrapped up in complexity
A strong bronze fist cocked up shouting "Black Lives Matter!"
Draped in delicate designs that compliment your smooth melanin
It would be clear that your strength is your exoskeleton
I have to be blunt
I feel like nothing to you sometimes
I can't stop remembering all of this
But will you remember me?
When my body craves your presence
As my mind misses your verbal intimacy
Will it matter enough for you to return ? ...